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We assist boards in enhancing the quality of corporate governance and the contribution of the board to the creation of shareholder value. Our services include clarification of the role of the board and board committees, assessment of overall board effectiveness, as well as the clarification of expectations of individual board members and the evaluation of individual board member performance. We specialize in working jointly with boards and senior executive teams in clarifying their roles in corporate strategy, ensuring that boards are effectively discharging their fiduciary responsibilities while not impeding the effectiveness of the CEO and senior executive team in the formulation and execution of corporate strategy.    

We work with senior executive teams at both the corporate and business unit level in the formulation and articulation of strategy. Our approach assumes that the critical knowledge, experience and information necessary for strategy formulation reside within the senior executive group. Our role is to work with that group to facilitate the dialogue, debate and rigorous analysis necessary to articulate the strategic direction for the firm or business unit. Our process leads the senior executive group to develop clear answers to the following questions: What business are we really in? Who are our customers? What needs do we fulfill for those customers? How do we fulfill those needs in a distinctive fashion that creates a sustainable competitive advantage for our business? The process forces the executive team to identify the small number of key strategic issues that will be critical to the success of the business, and results in the articulation of a strategy that focuses the organization’s critical resources on the issues of highest leverage and greatest impact.    

Corporate Leadership Strategy  
We assist organizations in developing or refining their corporate leadership models. Our approach links the firm’s strategic imperatives with identification of the key leadership challenges; the essential competencies and leadership priorities that will determine successful execution of strategy. Our leadership strategy services have included recommendations for leadership development programs to ensure that executive development budgets are well invested – either within the corporation or outsourced to identified leadership development specialists.    

Organization Design
We help our clients create the organizational structures and systems required to successfully implement their strategies. Excellent strategies often fail because existing organizational structures and systems impede rather than facilitate new strategic directions and initiatives. We work with clients to help them understand the structural changes that will be required for successful strategy implementation. Our approach helps reduce the complexities of organizational design to a small number of key principles that can then be used to design new structures appropriate to and supportive of the new directions being pursued. We utilize our expertise in change management to assist clients in the smooth and timely implementation of the new organizational structures we help to design.    

Human Capital Management
 The war for talent is a reality, not a buzzword. The increasing complexity of business, combined with shifting demographics, have made the need to attract, develop and retain outstanding people more challenging today than at any time in the past. These challenges are most critical in knowledge intensive businesses, but are not restricted to any single industry or sector. We work with clients to help them understand where they are most vulnerable in terms of their human capital. We then assist clients in the design and implementation of programs to address their human capital needs, including capability assessment, leadership development and succession planning.


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416-996-0725 • Email: Hugh Arnold